Should I Shutdown My Computer Every Night?

Are you like me, where this question is routinely hanging out in the back of your mind every time you’re jumping on or off your computer? I finally broke down and Googled it. For the most part, the internet seems united in its conclusion, but I thought I would also...

Google Continues To Battle With Malware In Play Store

In recent months, Google has taken steps to tighten up its processes so that fewer poisoned apps find their way into the Google Play Store.  In addition to that, the company has stepped up its efforts to ruthlessly track down and remove malicious apps whenever and...

Fraudulent Payments Are Hurting Venmo And Its Users

The mobile payment platform Venmo (owned by Paypal) has a fraud problem.  That’s not exactly new.  The company has struggled with fraud issues for a long time, but recently, things have gotten out of control.  According to the Wall Street Journal, the company...