Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

All Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), but not all MFA is 2FA. Multi-Factor Authentication works on the principle of using multiple pieces of secret information in order to verify identity. Standard usernames and passwords can...

ISO Files Are Being Used To Deliver Malware

Researchers at Trustwave have observed a notable increase in the use of .ISO files to deliver malware. Hackers have relied on poisoned disk image files for years to deliver malware to their targets. It makes sense in a Windows environment because it allows attackers...

Message Recall Feature May Be Added To Office 365

For a while now, Microsoft Outlook users have enjoyed a highly popular addition to their email service. In a nutshell, it allows them to recall messages that have been sent using Outlook, which is an Exchange Online hosted cloud email service for business. They can...

Kids Can Bypass Communication Limit Feature On iOS 13.3

If you have children that own Apple devices, be aware that the latest update for iOS 13.3 included a feature called Communications Limits. It is designed to allow parents to set up parental controls to keep their kids from speaking to, texting with, or Facetiming with...

Windows 10 Update Caused Issues With File Explorer

Have you already installed Windows 10, build 1909? If so, then you’ve probably noticed that the latest build update introduced a few bugs to Windows File Explorer. After installing the latest build, users began reporting issues with the search field that caused...